Archive | April 15, 2019

Food For Thought of These Days: Staying Prepared In Our Relationship Walk!

Image result for almighty purpose

Hi, all!

I realize it’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted anything on my page, but so much has been going on, physically, as well as surrounding our very fiber all over the world.

In spite of everything that’s being shown, stated, even thought of, continual praying/interceding, also STANDING IN the HOLY Word that the ALMIGHTY FATHER has embedded in His children to WALK in, SPEAKING out those things that “be not as though they were,” we have to be determined to PROCLAIM the ALMIGHTY, CHRIST His Son, and the HOLINESS!

Not just standing in front of a podium in a church building, or making melodies on various stages, but actually allowing the MOST HIGH, with HIS POWER, to MOVE through us for HIS Purpose and Glory! It’s not about us, but HIM, THE ALMIGHTY, FATHER ELOHIM! When we keep that in mind, we will not look for being praised ourselves, but shower Praises to the ONLY ONE WORTHY to receive ALL MAJESTY, GLORY, AND HONOR, ALWAYS!

Stay watchful, everyone, remembering we’ve been given Love, Power, and a SOUND Mind by the Most High, to not only hear what others say from their mouths, but we should read, study, research ourselves!

In the Holy Word, 2 Timothy 2:17 tells us:

STUDY to SHOW thyself APPROVED to the ALMIGHTY, a workman needing NOT  to be ASHAMED, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of TRUTH!

Doing this will provide whatever we need to walk in the Truth, especially when later on someone else asks us something pertaining to the what The Almighty has spoken! We are able to give them the RIGHT Answer, then they themselves can do their study, and hold the Truth up against any derogatory areas, with POWER from on High that will thwart anything else! Then we can truly be “FULLY PERSUADED in our OWN MIND” (Romans 14:5), not jump on the train of “they’re doing it, so I will, too” movement!

Like those elderly people would tell us, “if you see a line of people jumping off the cliff, will you do it yourself?” Use our God-given mind to make “rational” or thought-out decisions, even when we hear of testimonies of others making mistakes based on what they “heard” would be alright to do, eventually having to go through learning-processes as a result.

Love, Peace, and Blessings to all!